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A. Diplo Publications Browse through 20 years of Diplo's written word. Topics: International relations; Geopolitics; History; Diplomacy, Digital policy; Cybersecurity; Internet governanceB. Diplo Dissertation Library Browse through dissertations by our Master in Contemporary Diplomacy graduates. Topics range from international relations, geopolitics, and small state diplomacy, to digital policy, cybersecurity and Internet governance. Diplo Master’s students complete a dissertation in fulfilment of their Master in Contemporary Diplomacy degree. The Master’s programme is in collaboration with the University of Malta.C. Diplo Illustrations Diplo’s lecturers have worked closely with illustrators Vladimir Veljasevic and Zoran Marcetic (‘Marca’) to produce innovative and creative interpretations of key issues within diplomacy and international relations. In many cases they have been incorporated into Diplo’s course learning materials, and some have been translated into other languages.