An Introduction to Internet Governance
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Although Internet governance deals with the core of the digital world, governance cannot be handled with a digital-binary logic of true/false and good/bad Instead, Internet governance demands many subtleties and shades of meaning and perception; it thus requires an analogue approach, covering a continuum of options and compromises. Therefore, this book does not attempt to provide definite statements on Internet governance issues Rather, its aim is to propose a practical framework for analysis, discussion, and resolution of significant issues in the field.
Internet governance is moving increasingly into the public eye. The more modern society depends on the Internet, the more relevant Internet governance will be. Far from being the remit of some select few, Internet governance concerns all of us to a lesser or greater extent, whether we are one of the 2.9 billion using the Internet or a non-user who depends on the facilities it services. Internet governance is obviously more relevant for those who are deeply integrated in the e-world, whether through e-business or networking on Facebook. Yet it has a broad reach. Government officials, military personnel, lawyers, diplomats, and others who are involved in either providing public goods or preserving public stability are also concerned. Internet governance, and in particular the protection of privacy and other human rights, is a focal point for civil society activists and non-governmental organisations. For academia and innovators worldwide, Internet governance must ensure that the Internet remains open for development and innovation. Creative inventors of Internet Governance tomorrow’s Google, Skype, Facebook, and Twitter are out there, somewhere, browsing the Net. Their creativity and innovativeness should not be stifl ed; rather they should be encouraged to develop new, more creative ways to use the Internet.