Digital Watch Newsletter, Issue 11
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Geneva Internet Platform; DiploFoundation
The SDGs are a major breakthrough for the international community and probably a rare global point of convergence. Timely and effective implementation of the SDGs is crucial
for future global cooperation. ICTs provide practical solutions for achieving the goals.
The WSIS Forum discussed the interplay between ICTs and SDGs, focusing on development, digital divide, economic growth, health, and more. In addition to session reports and
a summary report prepared by the Geneva Internet Platform earlier this month, this issue includes further analysis.
In each issue, we explore the main developments in digital policy for the month. The developments in May and the IG Ba rometer reveal that sustainable development, security, infrastructure, legal issues, and e-commerce were under special focus.
Digital policy and Internet governance parlance includes many abbreviations of names of actors, processes, or frequently used terms. Unfamiliarity with acronyms and initialisms can
inhibit our understanding of concepts and developments. In this issue, we explain some of the abbreviations we used.