Data Diplomacy
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Data is often described as a critical resource of modern
society, or even the oil of the new economy. Vast amounts of
data are generated every day through the use of electronic
devices and the Internet. The private sector has begun to
harness big data sources to improve their products and services, streamline procedures, and ultimately increase revenues. Big data analysis is said to create insights that were
hitherto unavailable. What is the position of diplomats, who
rely on data and information in their everyday work, in this
changing environment? Some ministries of foreign affairs
(MFAs) and international organisations are tentatively
exploring the uses of big data for policy planning, knowledge management, development, humanitarian action, and
emergency response, recognising the potential benefits.
Yet, there is still a large number of perceived obstacles that
prevent others from stepping on board the big data train.
This report aims to increase the awareness of the opportunities, limitations, and challenges of the big data trend,
and to understand how MFAs could adapt their work, procedures, and organisational structures to the big data era.
In this report, we provide a broad overview of the main
opportunities of big data in different diplomatic fields and
functions, and highlight the key issues that need to be
addressed for big data diplomacy to flourish. This framework of possibilities and constraints opens up a diversity
of applications and implications that can be explored
in further detail, and is meant to inform MFAs that are
exploring big data to adapt diplomatic practice to the data-driven era where possible and feasible.