The Rise of TechPlomacy in the Bay Area
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Geneva Internet Platform; DiploFoundation
Many digital roads lead to the Bay Area. Whether
it is the fast technological advancements fueled by
innovation, or the issues that stem from these developments, what happens in the Bay Area’s digital
ecosystem profoundly impacts the modern world.
The relatively small geographical radius brings
together a high concentration of tech companies.
Economically, some of these companies are more
powerful than several countries put together.
Tech diplomacy is becoming a necessity for countries worldwide. Countries need to capture the nexus
between technology innovation and economic developments. To be effectively present in the Bay Area, countries need to use innovative diplomatic approaches.
This report discusses how tech diplomacy can be
developed, and more specifically, how countries approach the Bay Area tech industry. For instance, attracting investment and creating links between the
Bay Area and tech sectors in other countries are
among the most common tech diplomacy activities.
The report provides an analysis of the main models of interaction and representation, including:
• Tech Ambassadors and their Offices
• Consulates General through traditional diplomatic approaches
• Consulates General and Innovation Centers
• Investment Promotion Agencies
• Honorary Consuls
• Embassies in Washington, DC