Digital Watch Newsletter, Issue 7



Techno-realism was the echoing message in January. How do we maximise the opportunities and minimise the risks that the Internet brings about? Two recent reports - the World Bank’s report on Digital Dividends, and the World Eco nomic Forum’s report on Internet Fragmentation - reinforce this message, and offer suggestions and action plans on how to reap the benefits of the Internet and digital technologies. Read the Editorial and a digest of the two reports. Two judgements by the European Court of Human Rights have ruled on privacy, employment aspects, and surveillance. The court’s findings on the legality of monitoring private communications during working hours, and the illegality of surveillance on anti-terror grounds, will have an impact on privacy and data governance in Europe and beyond. January’s developments on security have placed encryption at the forefront of debate. Encryption has featured in US security officials’ meetings with Internet companies, in debates in the UK over the ‘Snooper’s Charter’, and in an open letter to governments worldwide signed by civil society and experts. What were the main highlights last year, and what are the main predictions for the upcoming months? This issue looks at the global trends for 2016, and predicts the main developments in digital policy, including privacy, security, e-commerce, legal developments, net neutrality, the IANA transition process, and more.





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