Annual Report 2020
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In 2020, Diplo passed Taleb’s stress test with flying colours. When the pandemic started in March last year, Diplo re acted with high agility by supporting and enabling the transition of international organisations, diplomatic services,
and civil society towards online meetings. Our just-in-time response included:
• The new ConfTech project, our ‘one-stop shop’ for providing assistance with organising and running online
meetings, selecting appropriate platforms, preparing for effective moderation, dealing with security and privacy
issues. This included a Help desk for online meetings for hands-on support for meeting organisers, ConfTech
Labs in Geneva and Belgrade for testing the latest technology, and a series of manuals, articles, and blogs on
online meetings and diplomacy in the pandemic.
• Online conversations on the technological, human rights, diplomatic, and security aspects of the pandemic, in cluding Right On discussions with the human rights community, briefings for diplomatic services worldwide,
WebDebates, and other events organised by Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP).
• A just-in-time course on online meetings in Diplomacy and Global Governance, run several times in 2020, focus ing on practical skills and knowledge for Zoom diplomacy.
• Two international conferences on the impact of the pandemic on diplomacy: The Future of Meetings (19 May
2020) and The Future of Multilateral Diplomacy (22 October 2020)