Book of abstracts
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Benson Ncube, Botswana
Adoption and adaptation of e-health systems for developing nations: The case of Botswana
Dr Alexandre Hannud Abdo, Brazil
How effective is direct remote interaction in EuroDIG?
Alimata Belemou, Burkina Faso
Comment adapter le code du travail burkinabé pour qu’il réponde aux exigences
du travail à distance?
Jean-Claude Kamwenubusa, Burundi
Acces à l’internet & usage des tic en Afrique - Cas du Burundi
Donald Karerwa, Burundi
Stratégie d’intégration des TICs dans les systèmes éducatifs d’Afrique, cas du Burundi
Karim Attoumani Mohamed, Comoros
Evaluation du statut de l’E-Gouvernement en Union des Comores
Nnenna Nwakanma, Côte d’Ivoire
Social media and networks: What potential is there for policy engagement by citizens in West Africa?
Alain Ilunga, Democratic Republic of Congo
Obstacles to the integration of ICT in higher education in Democratic Republic of Congo
Sam Goundar, Fiji
Cloud computing: Opportunities and issues for developing countries
Shareeni Kala, Fiji
E-learning at Fiji National University
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Fiji
Cybersecurity in the Republic of Fiji
Bakary Njie, the Gambia
Establishment of cybersecurity law and policy in the Gambia
Sandra Bart, Guyana
Electronic government equals sustainable development for Guyana
S. Paramanandan, India
Protecting intellectual property rights and traditional knowledge of rural and indigenous
communities through a digital database to prevent biopiracy and to manage biodiversity
Fahd A. Batayneh, Jordan
International Domain Names from a multilingualism and security perspective
Fitahiana Rakotomalala, Madagascar
For an effective taxation of electronic commerce in Madagascar
Tiwonge Manda, Malawi
Maturity of cybersecurity initiatives in Malawi: A comparison with the drive for fast and
ubiquitous Internet connectivity
Dr Towela Nyirenda Jere, Malawi
Impact of national ICT structures on ICT4D in sub-Saharan Africa
Rajendra Prasad Poudel, Nepal
Access of ICT benefits for underserved rural communities in developing countries:
A case study from Nepal
Maduka Attamah, Nigeria
Bandwidth management: The public policy approach in a university campus network
Solomon Ingba, Nigeria
Telecommunications local loop technology policies towards enhancing Internet/broadband
services penetration in Africa: A case study of Nigeria, South Africa, and Niger
Arzak Khan, Pakistan
Factors influencing broadband adoption and digital content consumption in
developing countries: A case from Pakistan
Natalia Enciso Benítez, Paraguay
Data protection on the Internet and its lack of regulation in Paraguay:
Adequate regulation for call centres
Radu Roxana, Romania
E-participation in policy-shaping: The Debate Europe Model
Alexandra Vasile, Romania
Introducing child safety in Romanian Schools: Does the existing primary and secondary
curriculum address online safety?
Anna Orlova, Russia
Privacy and data protection concerns within the EU e-government policy
Deolindo Costa de Boa Esperanca, Sao Tome and Principe
The last mile Internet infrastructure
Maša Kojić, Serbia
How safe are we? Security risks of the social networks
Caroline Ncube, South Africa
Open access to information and neglected diseases: A case study of Malaria research
in South Africa
Keisha Candice Taylor, Trinidad and Tobago
Inter-governmental organisations sharing and linking open and real-time data for
inclusive governance: Development effectiveness and protection of privacy and security
Eliot Nsega, Uganda
The use of ICT in human rights promotion: A case study of the African Commission
on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Rumbidzayi Gadhula, Zimbabwe
Internet governance and service provision in Zimbabwe
Felix Samakande, Zimbabwe
Exploring the need for speed in deploying information and communications technology
for international development and bridging the digital divide
In the following pages you will find a collection of abstracts from research projects conducted during the 2010/2011 Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme (IGCBP). Policy
research is part of a gradual process of gaining knowledge, skills and policy experience in Internet governance (for a visual summary of the IGCBP methodology, see page 74). Between March and May 2010, during the foundation phase, participants learnt the basic concepts and issues in Internet governance. In June and July 2010, by following the advanced courses, participants focused on specific Internet governance issues, including cybersecurity, human rights, data and privacy protection. After learning about Internet governance, in the policy research phase (September – December 2010), they applied their knowledge to concrete Internet governance issues of relevance for their countries, organisations, and local communities. By immersing our policy research in the local dynamics of developing countries, we have recognised the risk inherent in this lack of synchronisation between academic research and local policy dynamics. Policy research needs to take into consideration local political, economic, cultural, and professional contexts. The same Internet services trigger different policy issues in different countries, For example, the societal impact of Facebook and related policy issues are different in Europe, where the main concern is about data
protection; in North Africa, on the other hand, Facebook is being used as a platform to coordinate political action. Although participants have started addressing local concerns, their research is anchored in broader regional and global contexts. Under the supervision of Diplo’s experts and through peer-to peer exchange, participants have identified common patterns between their own countries and other countries in addressing Internet policy issues. In 2010, a total of eight research course groups were formed for the policy research phase, made up of the most successful participants of the online course phase. Some 60 participants who went through the research course continued working on their research proposals, covering a wide variety of topics with regional and national focus, such as critical infrastructure, development, e-commerce, security, e-participation, human rights, e government, Internet governance and ICT policy, ICT development; one Francophone team was formed to focus on the specific challenges of French-speaking regions worldwide. The abstracts you see here showcase the first step on the long road to effective and informed policy research and decision-making. Along the way, participants will continue to reap the benefits of the seeds they have sown during the IGCBP as they continue their focus on specialised areas of interest. Shared interests, personal contacts, and common projects contribute to creating sustainable communities of practice for dealing with new and complex policy issues, such as Internet governance. We are proud of their accomplishments to date and look forward to seeing our IGCBP participants continue to flourish in their future policy work.