Annual Report 2015
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The focus of training and capacity development in 2015 was
on partnerships: both strengthening and expanding existing
ones, and building new ones. Online courses and capacity
development programmes were delivered with a number of
existing partners, including the Learning Network for Capacity Development (LenCD), the Asia‑Europe Foundation (ASEF),
the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (IFRC), Hivos, and the Graduate Institute in Geneva.
Diplo also started to work with new partners. For example,
working with the GSMA’s Capacity Building in Mobile Sector
initiative, Diplo developed and delivered an online course on
Children and Mobile Technology aimed primarily at staff and
management of national telecommunications regulatory authorities.
We worked with two new partners – the Association
for Childhood Education International (ACEI) and the African
Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) – to develop new online courses on Education Diplomacy and Capacity Development in Africa, respectively.
Both courses are scheduled to be
delivered for the first time in early 2016.