Science and diplomacy
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Science and technology (S&T) extends the diploma tic agenda beyond traditional issues that diplomats
have been addressing for centuries. Cybersecurity,
artificial intelligence (AI), and biotechnology, to
name a few, are becoming essential for furthering
the national economy, security, and overall well-being and prosperity. In addressing these challenges, countries are developing new diplomatic
approaches and techniques, such as establishing an
active presence in innovation hubs worldwide. This
report focuses on how diplomatic services engage
with research, academic, and business actors
in the Greater Boston area (hereinafter Boston),
Massachusetts, USA.
Boston is historically the center of academia in the
United States, and since World War II has developed
into one of the country’s main scientific and innovation hubs. In recent years, many governments have
chosen to expand their existing outposts in the city
while others have made the decision to establish a
Boston presence, in an effort to help ensure their
future prosperity and stability, and to anticipate the
policy implications of the latest science, technology,
and innovation (STI) developments.
This report provides an overall analysis of how
diplomacy interacts with the Boston STI ecosystem
and focuses on the practical applications thereof.
The identified models of representation include
consular representation, networks of science and
innovation outposts, and various ways of embedding science attachés within the Boston STI ecosys tem, as well as their agenda. The report outlines
how results, successes, and failures are measured.
It also addresses and identifies possible areas
for capacity development and training of these
representatives. It should be particularly useful for
countries, especially developing ones, which are
planning to establish a presence in Boston.