Sustainable capacity building
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The Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) is the fruit of a partnership between the African Union
Commission and the European Commission. The overall objective of PRIDA is to foster universally accessible, affordable, and effective wireless broadband across the continent to unlock possible future benefits of Internet-based
services. Its specific objectives are: a) to facilitate efficient and harmonised spectrum utilisation, b) to harmonise
measurable ICT/Telecommunications policy as well as legal and regulatory frameworks, and c) to strengthen the
ability of African stakeholders to actively participate in global Internet governance (IG) processes. Activities pertain ing to the latter are collectively referred to as the Internet governance track of PRIDA.
This study is part of PRIDA’s IG track. Its key objective is to develop an Action Plan for the sustainability of capacity building initiatives in IG in Africa, suggesting concrete steps that should be taken in the continental, regional and
national levels, as well as the role of the African Union Commission and PRIDA in supporting the implementation of
measures to foster sustainability.